Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Departed (Martin Scorsese, Color/English/2006)


A good movie by Hollywood standards, an average movie by Martin Scorsese standards. There was nothing in the movie that stirred me. Except, Leonardo DiCaprio. The lad was simply fantastic. Matt Damon was not good (NO NO), Martin Sheen had no challenges and Mark Wahlberg had too little to do. And, Jack Nicholson ..... well he was as always the same sleepwalking through the role, smirking his way to glory. But, one shot with him and everyone else gets shadowed completely. Jack is Jack .....

But, DiCaprio stood his ground, even in company of greatness. Full marks to him. As for Mr. Scorsese -- I'm waiting to watch another of his classics from the 1970s, only if he stops making his Gangs of New Yorks and the Departeds ....... sigh!